I am Camilo Rudas. I am 18 years old. I was born in Colombia at 1990. I live with my sister, aunt and little cousin. My sister is Monica. She is a Enginer. I am Culture Vulture because I really like to learn new thing but I prefer to learn Math than other subjects.
When I was a child. I lived in Bogota. I thought that this is the most wonderful perid of my life because I had everything. I have played volleyball since 8 years ago. I have wun many prize for I was one of the best of school.
In this moment the my life, I am studying Industry Engineer but I think than I can study other carrer. I want to study System Engineer besacuse this is the best opcion. This help me in the part profesional and I will be a great professional.
For end, I will be oldest. I like I will able to give class in a famous University because this is interesting. I can teach how answer a diferents problems about economics, methodics and investigation. Add, nothing people should forget than the old people were the people always have taught the young people.